The Upjohn Disneyland Collection at the  
   University of Arizona in Tucson  

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The History of Pharmacy Museum at the University of Arizona in Tucson received the Upjohn Disneyland collection in 2006 from the California Museum of Science and Industry (now called the California Science Center). An exhibit was designed using old photographs and primary documents to recreate the original back-counter display as faithfully as possible while expanding it to be able to house more pieces.

While almost all of the Upjohn Disneyland items can be accounted for there are a few that remain a mystery. The mortar-and-pestle-shaped stained glass lamp that hung on Main Street, the pot-belly stove and the large lighted marquee that hung outside the building appear to have been lost, as was the red Upjohn sign that hung atop the original case. However, for the latter a replica was made.This sign is absent in most of the original photographs, seemingly appearing only in the Upjohn promotional postcard, so it may never have been a permanent installation.

Thanks to quality record-keeping, a great deal is known about many of the items. For example, the Wedgwood Hippocrates bust, circa 1800, is from Dr. Upjohn's personal collection, the giant balance is circa 1840, etc. Six of the lovely Tiffany lamps that hung from the ceiling were received and are being installed. With the help of a gentleman from Kalamazoo their provenance could be traced back to the late 1800's.

Perhaps the greatest remaining mystery is the whereabouts and original placements of the two large, colorful Majolica olive oil vats. They came from the Upjohn Disneyland collection because there are records of them being there, and because they were part of the accession from the California Science Center. Not known is where/who they came from originally, how old they are, or where they were within the original building. Even after browsing hundreds of photographs they cannot be found. It seems odd, because just about every other item can be found in the photos. Maybe someone out there knows?

The photos and information on this page were all provided by Stephen Hall, Assistant Curator at the History of Pharmacy Museum, University of Arizona College of Pharmacy, Tucson, Arizona. Thank you, Stephen!


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